The most recent prompts for the Write Club were a little difficult for me. In fact, I really struggled to get started on them. This time, it wasn't an issue about time or Spunky stopping me from writing, but the fact that these prompts were very personal and very much about my current "life struggles". By addressing these prompts, I was forced to address my struggles.
I can say with pride that, to the best of my ability, I did successfully answer all of them.
writing prompts | week 06.
seize the day. that means today.
01. what accomplishments are you proud of? write about the times you put your best self into action.
02. make a list of your dreams. big ones and small ones. describe them in detail. line them up in the dugout, let them play ball.
your days are your sonnets. but are they really? are you living your
dream or your nightmare? write down your daily routine. now write down
your dream daily routine. how many items match up? are you being truly present in your daily life? are you simply going through the motions? list ways to create a more meaningful existence.
Prompt 01: At first, it was so difficult for me to think of things that I was proud of. I would find one or two, but then cut them down because I "didn't try as hard as I should have" or because I "could have done better." Then I thought, "Come on, Leni! There has to be something that you're really proud of." It took me awhile. Maybe it was the mindset that I was in, or maybe it has to do with the fact that I'm super critical of everything -- especially when it comes to me and things that I do. But I was finally able to come up with a few: the strength of the relationship that M and I have, my willingness to change and be the best person I can be, and my artistic / creative ability. It was definitely a struggle to think of these. But once I was able to put a couple on to paper, a stream of things I'm proud of started to rush out! I was honestly surprised. It was a nice form of therapy. Who knew!? The one thing that I am MOST proud of is my ability to turn a boring and dull task into something fun! My mom once said, "You know, you're probably even have fun in prison!" [Hey Mom, can you say, "Chuck those beef steaks! Chuck 'em! Chuck 'em!"*]
Prompt 02: When I think of dreams, I think of goals. I feel like they sort of go hand in hand. Of course I have dreams and goals. Dreams of being a mother. Dreams of having a family. Dreams of getting marrying my best friend. [Just so there's no confusion, that's M!] But I am having difficulty figuring out what to do career-wise, so much that it frustrates me. What are my career goals? What do I dream of being? Shouldn't I have some idea by now ... after all, I am twenty-five?!
Prompt 03: I was actually really glad that this was the last prompt. The first two prompts were such a struggle. I fought internally to come up with a list of accomplishments that I was honestly proud of and struggled to list my dreams and goals. But after writing those first two prompts, the third one seemed almost effortless. This is why:
Although I may not know where I am headed in the future, I do know that M will by my side. (And knowing that I have met my true love is definitely a dream come true.) I have the most amazing family, friends and boyfriend. (Honestly, one could not ask for better!) I have no regrets about my past and I "own" every decision that I have made - even if it was the wrong decision to make at the time! I am living my dream. It may not be exactly how I had imagined it and I know that things will change a little, but there is peace in knowing that each day I am living my dream. That dreams do come true. And that you can never have a dream too big!
Lastly, it's never too late to join! All you need is a little free time, some paper and a pen! More information and all previous prompts can be found here over at Marta's lovely blog.
*This is one of those "You had to be there to get it." phrases, but maybe if I give you some background, you might get the idea. When I was in high school, my mom enlisted me to help her defrost the freezer. I'm sure you can image how unglamorous it is to defrost a freezer, but somehow we had an awesome time! We honestly laughed the entire time!