My darling Mother sent me this post. As I read it, I began laughing out loud! This blogger has been tracking the various Google searches that people have used that lead them to her blog site. I'll give you a few examples (in bold is the 'google search terms' and in italics is her response):!
two year old not talking at all not even babbling Yes,
I've been there, twice, actually. My best advice would be to schedule
a consultation with a speech pathologist. The minute she steps foot in
the room, your taciturn child will open his mouth, quote Shakespeare,
and diagram sentences. You will sit there in shock, your mouth gaping
open, uttering not a word, and the pathologist will wonder if you are the one in need of therapy. Ask me how I know.
are my expectations realistic? I'm not sure Google can help you with this. You might try Dr. Phil.
gag clean out refrigerator Me too, sister. Me too.
You will have to click here and read her post for the rest. I promise a good laugh!