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« This will be an Awesome Weekend! | Main | What is your secret? »

July 12, 2010


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That elephant is too much...I love him! :) Thanks for the great images of E!


and I thought E would be a hard letter, what a great collection of photos!


Such a fun and "E"xiting combination! Love that elephant too! Enjoyed by letter J :)

Sandy a la Mode

awwww i LOVE the use of the fountain to create the letter E, how creative!!


Love it!! I was trying to guess them...you got me with the "escape" pic!! Nice job :) great photos

carla de leon

love your photos for e! specially, the fountain and the graffiti. thanks for sharing them with us!


Great!! Love the "fountain E" shot and the downward view of the escalator! Great job!


I'm not sure which I love more -- the elephant or the really awesome fountain one that forms an E. These are so wonderfully creative, Leni!


Ohhh, I love the fountain! I've been on a few escalators this past week and didn't even think of it! Fantastic photos for E! :)


I love that elephant (too cute!) and that first sign with the letter E. Great E's--and I love the way you've organized them!


I just adore that elephant!


love the play of angle with the fountain...very creative! Wish me luck for my letter "Q"


Love these photos!


Love the water fountain E!!


You could have used your lovely 'e'ngagement pic too! Great mix, best wishes from letter H.


I love the fountain, I never would have thought of that! Great photos!

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