I have been doing by best to cross off items from my 27 before 27 list. You can follow my progress here.
I am determined to cross off "2. Lose that last bit of poundage" from the list once and for all! (It was one of the items that I never accomplished on my 26 before 26 list.) I bought a one year subscription for my BodyBugg to help me keep track of my daily food consumption and daily calorie expenditure. Hopefully it's just want I need to lose that last bit of weight.
Keep in mind that this list was made before I lost my job and moved out of my apartment. Because of my current situation, some numbers will be more difficult to achieve, like:
5. Save money for ROTH IRA.
15. Make my apartment into an "art gallery" for a night and invite people over for the exhibit; provide wine and munchies.
Despite the unexpected changes in my life, I am determined to complete the entire list.
The bright side of not having a job is that I have more time to complete some of the other items on the list:
6. Figure out the best career for myself. Find my passion.
18. Start selling my paintings.