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« PROJECT ME: The Pursuit of Happiness | Main | I Lost The Cat Fight »

June 03, 2009


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I am committed to reading a new book every month.

Jessica M

i'm committed to reading my son a bed time story every night.

Emily Jane

I am committed to traveling outside of my state at least once a year.

Wow, 30 is going to be hard! At least I have one to start now!

Mary H.

I am committed to walking for an hour at least twice a week. Awesome post!


I am committed to doing some creative writing at least once a week to keep myself in top "writing shape." :)


i am committed to taking the trash out BEFORE it over flows!

Reeder's Corner

I am commited to telling at least one family member I day that I love them.


I'm committed to calling my mom to say hello every day.


I'm comitted to smiling every single day to new people.


I am committed to proof reading all of my emails for grammar mistakes.


I am committed to sending out a handwritten thank you card every time I think of a reason to thank someone.


I am committed to not sweating the small stuff so much.


This is a really good post. I make lists all the time, but the items are often too vague. It's the ones that are specific that actually get completed. Anyways - I am committed to squeezing some yoga in at least once per day.

Sarah Ann

I am committed to running 2 miles at least 3 times a week.


I am committed to walking briskly 3 miles a day, every day, no excuses. Good thing that I started this by taking my dog with me, because now every time that I attempt to make an excuse about being too tired or too hot the dog reminds me that it is 7:00 pm (sharp!) and time for our walk. It is easier to go for the walk than convince her that we cannot.

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