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« It's Friday! | Main | 3 links to places I love »

June 15, 2009


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Good for you! I'm lucky if I can even get up on time to get ready for work. I am REALLY not a morning person. Good luck with the pursuit of your perfect bikini body. I'll just be happy if I can fit into my wedding dress.


Wow, you're motivated. I can't get myself out of bed to workout.

Greece is my dream vacation. I'm sure you can't wait to visit again.


What a cute photograph! What I've learned after lots of dieting and exercise (I get up at 4:40am to go to the gym) and getting down to my goal weight (and then gaining a bit of weight back) is that how you feel about yourself is as important as how you think you look. I'm trying to get back on an exercise/get healthy program myself right now -- the school year always makes it hard for me to keep a consistent gym schedule. Maybe we can form an internet support group.

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