This weeks Write Club prompts were a little easier for me than last weeks. Maybe it's because I'm constantly reflecting on my life and doing what I can to be a better person. But sometimes, the way you see things about yourself isn't always the way others see them. A few years back, I went as far as individually asking my closest friends and family to list 5 things that they thought I could work on to be a better person. Some of them were hard to hear, others I already knew. It was probably one of the best growing experiences I've ever had.
If you're willing to put yourself in a vulnerable position*, try it. Just ask your closest friends and family "What 5 things do you think I could change or work on to make myself a better person?" It just might end up being the best thing you've ever done!
*In my opinion, it's only when you're vulnerable that you'll learn more about yourself and grow as a person.
You're braver than I am!
Posted by: Reeder's Corner | April 23, 2009 at 04:10 PM